The Southernmost Point


Peter took this picture of the Southernmost Point in the early 70’s. The Shell Man sold conch shells to the tourists who were not so many then or as world-weary. Then after the sign getting stolen almost as fast as they could put up a new one, by hoodlums, pranksters, tourists, delinquents, or by your son or daughter.

So, a new more permanent edifice appeared one day, not necessarily a better marker, but definitely a more permanent one.


Not everyone was pleased. The lady who lived across from the large buoy was so upset that she flew the America flag upside down as a symbol of her distress.

President Clinton was invited to be the dedication speaker and told that if he did come, they would rename the street in his honor. He turned them down and it remains South Street and since it points South to Havana it’s probably best. I have a few other blogs in mind, one a Christmas story and the other, how Cuba opening up will affect Key West. Later.

We are just getting the website going and Peter and I are barely speaking. He said he wished I would stop whining. I told him, “It’s my blog and I’ll whine if I want to. I hope soon he’ll just lose interest and butt out.

Sorry for venting (better word than whining). I’m inviting some special people to join me on the site, just look at it or make comments. You’ll know you’re special if you get this.


7 thoughts on “The Southernmost Point”

  1. Great! Joanne – miss you too. This is a new milestone for me. First blog I read, and first blog I commented. How about using one of your “weeks” for telling us old ones how you did it.
    Just finished the latest Mark Schweizer book – funny, silly, diverting as always.

  2. O my gosh! I’m sitting and typing here in my office…and laughing…not loudly, though. This is a private and delicious chuckle time, and you gave it to me. Thank you for the lift in my day! Please tell Peter that “we” (women) do NOT whine…ever! We are just explaining to whoever happens to be there that, in albeit vague and repetitive terms, we are slightly dissatisfied or irritated with something. Nothing personal, of course! Keep writing, Sweetie! — Love, Mary

  3. What fun to read this! I love it.
    The original sign was better. Is it too late for me to fly my flag upside down, I wonder?
    Congratulations on being a blogger; also maybe a blogmeister! You might even inspire Pete to start his own blog if he hasn’t already got one.
    Will remind Stan to read your blog. He’s not good at checking emails and doing other social networking stuff. I blame it on too many years of dealing with computers at the Lab, among a few other annoyances.
    Am sure I can speak for him as well as for me in saying that we’ll look forward to your next creation! Please make it soon….

  4. Good grief, Joanne,

    Why would anyone want to use HTML for anything? Now, I sound like I’m whining. I like your idea about keeping in touch. I used to write an email a week to my parents when they were alive and it wasn’t long before the whole family wanted to read it. Having never heard anything back from anyone, after my mom died I just quit. So if you keep this going, you can depend on me that I’ll at least send a “Good to hear from you.” You’ll at least know we’re still alive.

    Have a great day.

  5. What a wonderful reminder of our trip to Key West!

    Definitely could have been one of our sons but neither of them have been to Key West.

    More on Key West, please

  6. I think that whining is good but wining could be more fun. Wining has its own problems which would cause more whining.

    1. Whining: I’m for it & I wish I’d known the shell man. Thanks for including me. Looking forward to the next installment!
      PS: Glad it’s still South St.!

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